Chapter Appendix A. Registry Values

Table of Contents

A.1. Service parameters
Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]
Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters\GlobalAutoMapper]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CSCPolicy]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<cellname>]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<cellname>\<server>]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance\Symlinks]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>\<Cell Name>]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Submounts]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Server Preferences\VLDB]
Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Server Preferences\File]
A.2. Integrated Logon Network Provider Parameters
Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]
Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider]
A.2.1 Domain specific configuration keys for the Network Provider
A.3. AFS Credentials System Tray Tool parameters
Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]
Regkey: [HKCU\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]
Regkey: [HKCU\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Reminders]
Regkey: [HKCU\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Active Maps]
Regkey: [HKCU\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Mappings]
A.4 OpenAFS Client Service Environment Variables
A.5 AFS Redirector Parameters

A.1. Service parameters

The service parameters primarily affect the behavior of the AFS client service (afsd_service.exe).

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Value: LanAdapter

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: -1

Variable: LANadapter

LAN adapter number to use. This is the lana number of the LAN adapter that the SMB server should bind to. If unspecified or set to -1, a LAN adapter with named 'AFS' or a loopback adapter will be selected. If neither are present, then all available adapters will be bound to. When binding to a non-loopback adapter, the NetBIOS name hostname%-AFS' will be used (where %hostname% is the NetBIOS name of the host truncated to 11 characters). Otherwise, the NetBIOS name will be 'AFS'.

Value: CacheSize

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: cm_initParams.cacheSize

Size of the AFS cache in 1k blocks.

Value: ChunkSize

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: cm_logChunkSize (cm_chunkSize = 1 << cm_logChunkSize)

Size of chunk for reading and writing. Actual chunk size is 2^cm_logChunkSize. The default chunk size is therefore 1 MB.

Value: Daemons

Value: Daemons



Variable: numBkgD

Number of background daemons (number of threads of cm_BkgDaemon). (see cm_BkgDaemon in cm_daemon.c)

Value: ServerThreads

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: numSvThreads

Number of SMB server threads (number of threads of smb_Server). (see smb_Server in smb.c).

Value: Stats

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: cm_initParams.nStatCaches

Cache configuration.

Value: Volumes

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: cm_initParams.nVolumes

Cache configuration.

Value: Cells

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: cm_initParams.nCells

Cache configuration.

Value: LogoffPreserveTokens

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default : 0

If enabled (set to 1), the Logoff Event handler will not attempt to delete the user's tokens if the user's profile is stored outside of AFS.

Value: RootVolume

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: "root.afs"

Variable: cm_rootVolumeName

Root volume name.

Value: MountRoot

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: "/afs"

Variable: cm_mountRoot

Name of root mount point. In symlinks, if a path starts with cm_mountRoot, it is assumed that the path is absolute (as opposed to relative) and is adjusted accordingly. Eg: if a path is specified as /afs/ and cm_mountRoot is "/afs", then the path is interpreted as \\afs\all\\foo\bar\baz. If a path does not start with with cm_mountRoot, the path is assumed to be relative and suffixed to the reference directory (i.e. directory where the symlink exists)

Value: CachePath

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: "%TEMP%\AFSCache"

Variable: cm_CachePath

Location of on-disk cache file. The default is the SYSTEM account's TEMP directory. The attributes assigned to the file are HIDDEN and SYSTEM.

Value: NonPersistentCaching

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD [0..1]

Default: 0

Variable: buf_CacheType

When this registry value is set to a non-zero value, the CachePath value is ignored and the cache data is stored in the windows paging file. This disables the use of persistent caching and the ability to maintain a single UUID for the AFS client service across restarts.

Value: ValidateCache

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD [0..2]

Default: 1

Variable: buf_CacheType

This value determines if and when persistent cache validation is performed.

0 - Validation is disabled
1 - Validation is performed at startup
2 - Validation is performed at shutdown

Value: TrapOnPanic

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 0

Variable: traceOnPanic

Issues a breakpoint in the event of a panic. (breakpoint: _asm int 3).

Value: NetbiosName

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: "AFS"

Variable: cm_NetbiosName

Specifies the NetBIOS name (or SMB Server Name) to be used when binding to a Loopback adapter. To provide the old behavior specify a value of "%COMPUTERNAME%-AFS".

Value: IsGateway

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 0

Variable: isGateway

Select whether or not this AFS client should act as a gateway. If set and the NetBIOS name hostname-AFS is bound to a physical NIC, other machines in the subnet can access AFS via SMB connections to hostname-AFS.

When IsGateway is non-zero, the LAN adapter detection code will avoid binding to a loopback adapter. This will ensure that the NetBIOS name will be of the form hostname-AFS instead of the value set by the "NetbiosName" registry value.

Value: ReportSessionStartups

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 0

Variable: reportSessionStartups

If enabled, all SMB sessions created are recorded in the Application event log. This also enables other events such as drive mappings or various error types to be logged.

Value: TraceBufferSize

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]



Variable: traceBufSize

Number of entries to store in trace log.

Value: SysName

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: "x86_win32 i386_w2k i386_nt40" (X86)

"amd64_win64 x86_win32 i386_w2k" (AMD64)

Variable: cm_sysName

Provides an initial value for "fs sysname". The string can contain one or more replacement values for @sys in order of preference separated by whitespace.

Value: SecurityLevel

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 0

Variable: cryptall

Enables encryption on RX calls.

Value: UseDNS

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 1

Variable: cm_dnsEnabled

Enables resolving volservers using AFSDB DNS and SRV DNS queries.

Value: FreelanceClient

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 0

Variable: cm_freelanceEnabled

Enables freelance client.

Value: HideDotFiles

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1,0}

Default: 1

Variable: smb_hideDotFiles

Enables marking dotfiles with the hidden attribute. Dot files are files whose name starts with a period (excluding "." and "..").

Value: MaxMpxRequests

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 50

Variable: smb_maxMpxRequests

Maximum number of multiplexed SMB requests that can be made.

Value: MaxVCPerServer

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 100

Variable: smb_maxVCPerServer

Maximum number of SMB virtual circuits.

Value: Cell

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

Variable: rootCellName

Name of root cell (the cell from which the RootVolume, root.afs, should be mounted in \\afs\all).

Value: RxEnablePeerStats

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 1

Variable: rx_enable_peer_stats

When set to 1, the Rx library collects peer statistics.

Value: RxEnableProcessStats

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 1

Variable: rx_extra_process_stats

When set to 1, the Rx library collects process statistics.

Value: RxExtraPackets

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 120

Variable: rx_extraPackets

When set, this number of extra Rx packets are allocated at startup.

Value: RxMaxMTU

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 0

Variable: rx_mtu

If set to anything other than 0, that value is used as the maximum send and receive MTU supported by the RX interface.

In order to enable OpenAFS to operate across releases of the Cisco IPSec VPN client prior than 5.0, this value must be set to 1264 or smaller.

Value: RxNoJumbo

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0,1}

Default: 0

Variable: rx_nojumbo

If enabled, does not send or indicate that we are able to send or receive RX jumbograms.

Value: ConnDeadTimeout

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 0 (seconds)

Variable: ConnDeadtimeout

When the value is 0, this setting is configured to be one-half the HardDeadTimeout value.

Value: HardDeadTimeout

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 0 (seconds)

Variable: HardDeadtimeout

The Hard Dead Time is enforced to be at least double the ConnDeadTimeout. The provides an opportunity for at least one retry.

The value 0 seconds means that the real timeout should be set to be equal to the minimum SMB timeout which can be configured in the registry at:



If the minimum SMB timeout is not specified the value is 45 seconds. See

Value: IdleDeadTimeout

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 1200 (seconds)

Variable: IdleDeadtimeout

The Idle Dead Time determines how long the cache manager will wait for an RPC on a non-replicated volume to complete when the service is responding only with keep alive messages. When there is no replica available there is no other file server to try. An idle dead timeout in this case is fatal. This option is intended to protect a client against a file server that never responds. This value must be larger that the file server hard dead timeout of 120 seconds.

Value: ReplicaIdleDeadTimeout

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 180 (seconds)

Variable: ReplicaIdleDeadtimeout

The Replica Idle Dead Time determines how long the cache manager will wait for an RPC on a replicated volume to complete when the service is responding only with keep alive messages. When a volume is replicated the cache manager can choose to retry the request against a file server hosting one of the replicas. This value must be larger that the file server hard dead timeout of 120 seconds.

Value: NATPingInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 0 (seconds)

Variable: NatPingInterval

The NAT Ping Interval determines how frequently a low-level Rx ping packet is sent to every file server using an anonymous connection. The value 0 seconds disables the functionality. A non-zero value activates the NAT ping behavior. This option can be enabled on clients that access AFS file servers from behind a NAT or port mapping firewall that maintains a short timeout on UDP port mappings. In this case the AFS cache manager may not receive AFS callbacks from the file server. This registry value should be set to a number of seconds shorter than the port mapping timeout period. When there is no other information to go on, a value of 20 seconds can be used.

Value: TraceOption

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0-15}

Default: 0

Enables logging of debug output to the Windows Event Log.

Bit 0 enables logging of "Logon Events" processed by the Network Provider and Winlogon Event Notification Handler.

Bit 1 enables logging of events captured by the AFS Client Service.

Bit 2 enables real-time viewing of "fs trace" logging with DbgView or similar tools.

Bit 3 enables "fs trace" logging on startup.

Value: AllSubmount

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 1

Variable: allSubmount (smb.c)

By setting this value to 0, the "\\NetbiosName\all" mount point will not be created. This allows the read-write versions of root.afs to be hidden.

Value: NoFindLanaByName

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 0

Disables the attempt to identity the network adapter to use by looking for an adapter with a display name of "AFS".

Value: MaxCPUs

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {1..32} or {1..64} depending on the architecture

Default: 2

If this value is specified, afsd_service.exe will restrict itself to executing on the specified number of CPUs if there are a greater number installed in the machine. Performance profiling shows that overall system performance degrades when the afsd_service.exe is permitted to execute on more than two cores.

Value: SmbAuthType

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0..2}

Default: 2

If this value is specified, it defines the type of SMB authentication which must be present in order for the Windows SMB client to connect to the AFS Client Service's SMB server. The values are:

0 = No authentication required

1 = NTLM authentication required
2 = Extended (GSS SPNEGO) authentication required

The default is Extended authentication

Value: MaxLogSize

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 100K

This entry determines the maximum size of the %WINDIR%\TEMP\afsd_init.log file. If the file is larger than this value when afsd_service.exe starts the file will be reset to 0 bytes. If this value is 0, it means the file should be allowed to grow indefinitely.

Value: FlushOnHibernate

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0,1}

Default: 1

If set, flushes all volumes before the machine goes on hibernate or stand-by.

Value: DaemonCheckDownInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 180

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager probes servers that are marked as "down".

Value: DaemonCheckUpInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 600

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager probes servers that are marked as "up".

Value: DaemonCheckVolInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 3600

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager forces a reset on the existing volume database information.

Value: DaemonCheckCBInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 60

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager checks for callback invalidation.

Value: DaemonCheckLockInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 60

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager checks for invalid file locks.

Value: DaemonCheckTokenInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 180

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager checks for expired tokens.

Value: DaemonCheckOfflineVolInterval

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD (seconds)

Default: 600

This value controls how frequently the AFS cache manager checks offline volumes to see if they have come back online. At the same time volumes which were determined to be busy have their state reset to online.

Value: CallBackPort

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: 7001

This value specifies which port number should be used for receiving callbacks from the file server. The standard AFS Callback port is 7001. Alternative values can be useful if the client is behind a NAT and a permanent port mapping for the client is being configured.

Value: EnableServerLocks

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1, 2}

Default: 1

Determines whether or not the AFS file server is contacted for

0: never obtain server locks

1: obtain server locks unless the file server says not to

2: always obtain server locks

Value: DeleteReadOnly

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 0

Determines whether or not the AFS Cache Manager will permit files marked with the "Read Only" DOS attribute to be deleted or not. For compatibility with Explorer, the default is ‘no'.

0: do not permit "Read Only" files to be deleted.

1: delete files that have the "Read Only" attribute set without complaint.

Value: BPlusTrees

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 1

Determines whether or not the AFS Cache Manager uses locally constructed B+ Trees to speed up the performance of directory searches.

0: do not use B+ Trees for directory lookups

1: use B+ Trees for directory lookups

Value: PrefetchExecutableExtensions

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]


Default: none specified

The AFS Cache Manager will pre-fetch the entire contents of any file whose name matches ends with one of the specified extensions. This option is intended for use primarily with executables and dynamic link libraries that should be fully cached prior to a machine losing its connection with the file server.

Value: OfflineReadOnlyIsValid

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 0

Determines whether or not cached data from .readonly volumes is considered valid even if a callback cannot be registered with a file server. This option is meant to be used by organizations for whom .readonly volume content very rarely changes (if ever.)

0: do not treat offline .readonly content as valid

1: treat offline .readonly content as valid

Value: GiveUpAllCallBacks

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 1

Determines whether or not the AFS Cache Manager will give up all callbacks prior to the service being suspended or shutdown. Doing so will have significant performance benefits for the file servers. However, file servers older than 1.4.6 can become unstable if the GiveUpAllCallBacks RPC is executed.

0: do not perform GiveUpAllCallBacks RPCs

1: perform GiveUpAllCallBacks RPCs

Value: ReadOnlyVolumeVersioning

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 0

Determines whether or not the AFS Cache Manager will will make use of the volume version information reported by the file server as part of the AFSVolSync data structure. Use of volume version information can significantly reduce the number of FetchStatus RPCs issued on objects stored in read-only volumes. This functionality is disabled by default because all OpenAFS file servers older than OpenAFS 1.4.10 failed to include valid volume version information as part of the BulkStatus and InlineBulkStatus RPCs.

0: do not make use of volume version information

1: make use of volume version information

Value: FollowBackupPath

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 0

Determines whether or not the AFS Cache Manager will give preference to .backup volumes when following mount points that originate in a .backup volume.

0: do not prefer .backup volumes when the mount point originates in a .backup volume.

1: prefer .backup volumes when the mount point originates in a .backup volume.

Value: RxUdpBufSize

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {bytes}

Default: 262144

Specifies the UDP socket receive and send buffer sizes..

Value: VerifyData

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters]

Type: DWORD {0, 1}

Default: 0

1: after every RXAFS_StoreData RPC immediately perform an RXAFS_FetchData RPC and verify that the data was correctly stored on the file server. If the data does not match, retry the store operation until it does.

The "fs getverify" and "fs setverify {on, off}" commands can be used to query and set this value at runtime.

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters\GlobalAutoMapper]

Value: <DriveLetter>

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters\GlobalAutoMapper]

Type: REG_SZ

Specifies the submount name to be mapped by afsd_service.exe at startup to the provided drive letter.

This option is deprecated.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]

Value: CellServDBDir

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <not defined>

Specifies the directory containing the CellServDB file. When this value is not specified, the ProgramData directory is searched and if the CellServDB file is not found, the AFS Client install directory is used.

Value: VerifyServiceSignature

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]


Default: 0x1

This value can be used to disable the runtime verification of the digital signatures applied to afsd_service.exe and the OpenAFS DLLs it loads. This test is performed to verify that the DLLs which are loaded by afsd_service.exe are from the same distribution as afsd_service.exe. This is to prevent random errors caused when DLLs from one distribution of AFS are loaded by another one. This is not a security test. The reason for disabling this test is to free up additional memory which can be used for a large cache size.

Value: IoctlDebug

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]


Default: 0x0

This value can be used to debug the cause of pioctl() failures. Set a non-zero value and the pioctl() library will output status information to stdout. Executing command line tools such as tokens.exe, fs.exe, etc can then be used to determine why the pioctl() call is failing.

Value: MiniDumpType

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]


Default: 0x0 (MiniDumpNormal)

This value is used to specify the type of minidump generated by afsd_service.exe either when the process crashes or when a user initiated is dump file is generated with the "fs.exe minidump" command.

Valid values are dependent on the version of DbgHelp.dll installed on the machine. The best version to use is not the version that comes with the operating system but the version that is included in the most recent release of " Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows". See the Microsoft Developer Library for further information.

MiniDumpNormal = 0x00000000
MiniDumpWithDataSegs = 0x00000001
MiniDumpWithFullMemory = 0x00000002
MiniDumpWithHandleData = 0x00000004
MiniDumpFilterMemory = 0x00000008
MiniDumpScanMemory = 0x00000010
MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules = 0x00000020
MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory = 0x00000040
MiniDumpFilterModulePaths = 0x00000080
MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData = 0x00000100
MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory = 0x00000200
MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData = 0x00000400
MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo = 0x00000800
MiniDumpWithThreadInfo = 0x00001000
MiniDumpWithCodeSegs = 0x00002000

Value: EnableSMBAsyncStore

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]


Default: 0x1

This value can be used to disable the use of SMB Asynchronous Store operations.

Value: SMBAsyncStoreSize

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]


Default: 32

This value determines the size of SMB Asynchronous Store operations.This value can be used to increase the write performance on higher speed networks by increasing the value. The value must be a multiple of the cache buffer block size and cannot be larger than the cache manager chunk size. The specified value will be adjusted to enforce its compliance with these restrictions.

Value: StoreAnsiFilenames

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]


Default: 0x0

This value can be used to force the AFS Client Service to store filenames using the Windows system's ANSI character set instead of the OEM Code Page character set which has traditionally been used by SMB file systems.

Note: The use of ANSI characters will render access to files with 8-bit OEM file names inaccessible from Windows. This option is of use primarily when you wish to allow file names produced on Windows to be accessible from Latin-1 UNIX systems and vice versa.

This value is ignored now that all file names are processed as Unicode and stored on the file server as UTF-8.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CSCPolicy]

Value: <smb share name>

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CSCPolicy]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This key is used to map SMB/CIFS shares to Client Side Caching (off-line access) policies. For each share one of the following policies may be used: "manual", "programs", "documents", "disable".

These values used to be stored in afsdsbmt.ini

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB]

The CellServDB key is an alternative to the CellServDB file that can be used either to supplement or override its contents. This registry entry is meant to provide organizations that centrally manage their client configurations using Active Directory Group Policy a means of updating records for individual cells or servers without pushing out a new file.

At the present time the CellServDB key contains no values; only subkeys. Each subkey is the name of a Cell. For example,

Support for registry CellServDB configuration was added in 1.5.60.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<cellname>]

The actual name of the <cellname> key is the full name of the cell whose configuration is being specified. The <cellname> key contains both values and subkeys. Each subkey represents a single host name or IP address. When a host is to be known by more than one name or IP address, a separate subkey should be created for each. Unlike the <cellname> key name, the <server> key names do not have to be actual host names.

Value: Description

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This value is used to store a description of the Cell appropriate for display in end user facing tools.

Value: ForceDNS

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>]


Range: 0 or 1

Default: 0 if <server> subkeys exist; 1 otherwise

When set to 1 all server configuration provided in the registry or the CellServDB file is ignored and DNS AFSDB lookups are used instead.

Value: LinkedCell

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This value names an alternative cell to which this cell should be linked. When two cells are linked by the OpenAFS client, volume lookups that fail in the specified cell will be searched for in the linked cell and when tokens are requested for one of the cells they will be obtained for both. This functionality can be used for example to develop a test cell that is equivalent to a production cell with the exception that it substitutes test versions of volumes for the production versions. Another use is to assist in the transition from one cell name to another.

See also: Linked Cells.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<cellname>\<server>]

The actual name of the <server> key may be a fully qualified domain name of the server whose configuration is being specified. If a domain name is specified as the key name, all values become optional.

Value: HostName

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>\<Server>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This value is used to specify a fully qualified domain name appropriate that matches either a DNS A or DNS CNAME record. If provided, this value supercedes the name of the <server> key. It is recommended that the value of this field be terminated with a period in order to avoid the use of domain substitution during the gethostbyname() evaluation.

Value: IPv4Address

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>\<Server>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

If the DNS host name lookup fails this value will be used as the IPv4 address for the server.

Value: Rank

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>\<Server>]


Range: 0..65535

Default: 0

This value specifies the default server preference. A value of 0 indicates that no preference has been specified. When non-zero values are specified lower values indicate a stronger preference than higher values.

Value: Comment

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB\<Cell Name>\<Server>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

A text string that can be displayed to end users to describe the server.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance]

Value: <numeric value>

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This key is used to store dot terminated mount point strings for use in constructing the fake root.afs volume when Freelance (dynamic roots) mode is activated.



These values used to be stored in afs_freelance.ini

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance\Symlinks]

Value: <numeric value>

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Freelance\Symlinks]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This key is used to store a dot terminated symlink strings for use in constructing the fake root.afs volume when Freelance (dynamic roots) mode is activated.





Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms]

The Realms key is used to provide initialization data to be used when new identities are added to the Network Identity Manager. The AFS Provider will search for a subkey that matches the realm of the identity. If such a key exists, its values will be used to populate the AFS configuration for the identity.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>]

In addition to the optional values, this key contains one subkey for each cell that is to be added to the AFS Provider configuration.

Value: AFSEnabled

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>]


Default: 0x01

This key is used to specify whether the new identity should be configured to obtain AFS credentials. In general, it is only specified when disabling the acquisition of AFS credentials is desired. The default is to obtain AFS credentials.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>\<Cell Name>]

Value: MethodName

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>\<Cell Name>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This key is used to specify the token acquisition method to be used. When unspecified, the AFS provider will automatically try Kerberos v5 and then Kerberos v5 (if available). As of this writing valid method names include "Auto", "Kerberos5", "Kerberos524", "Kerberos4".

Note: Kerberos524 and Kerberos4 cannot be used with 64-bit Kerberos for Windows.

Value: Realm

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Realms\<Realm Name>\<Cell Name>]

Type: REG_SZ

Default: <none>

This key is used to specify the realm to be used when acquiring AFS tokens. If not specified, the realm will be determined by performing a domain to realm mapping on the domain of a random volume location database server for the cell.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Submounts]

Value: <Submount Name>

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Submounts]


Default: <none>

This key is used to store mappings of UNIX style AFS paths to submount names which can be referenced as UNC paths. For example the submount string "/" can be associated with the submount name "jaltman.home". This can then be referenced as the UNC path \\AFS\jaltman.home.

These values used to be stored in afsdsbmt.ini

NOTE: Submounts should no longer be used with OpenAFS. Use the Windows Explorer to create drive mappings to AFS UNC paths instead of using the AFS Submount mechanism.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Server Preferences\VLDB]

Value: <hostname or ip address>

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Server Preferences\VLDB]


Default: <none>

This key is used to specify a default set of VLDB server preferences. For each entry the value name will be either the IP address of a server or a fully qualified domain name. The value will be the ranking. The ranking will be adjusted by a random value between 0 and 15 prior to the preference being set.

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Server Preferences\File]

Value: <hostname or ip address>

Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client\Server Preferences\File]


Default: <none>

This key is used to specify a default set of File server preferences. For each entry the value name will be either the IP address of a server or a fully qualified domain name. The value will be the ranking. The ranking will be adjusted by a random value between 0 and 15 prior to the preference being set.