With Frames

Chapter 6. How to Contribute to the Development of OpenAFS for Windows

Table of Contents

6.1. The USENIX OpenAFS Fund
6.2. Secure Endpoints Inc.
6.3. Your File System Inc.
6.4. Direct contributions of code and/or documentation
6.5. OpenAFS for Windows Mailing Lists

Contributions to the development of OpenAFS for Windows are continuously needed. Contributions may take many forms including cash donations, support contracts, donated developer time, and even donated tech writer time.

6.1. The USENIX OpenAFS Fund

USENIX, a 501c3 non-profit corporation, has formed the USENIX OpenAFS Fund in order to accept tax deductible donations on behalf of the OpenAFS Elders. The donated funds will be allocated by the OpenAFS Elders to fund OpenAFS development, documentation, project management, and maintaining openafs.org.

    USENIX OpenAFS Fund
    USENIX Association
    2560 Ninth St., Suite 215
    Berkeley, CA 94710

Donations can be made by sending a check, drawn on a U.S. bank, made out to the USENIX OpenAFS Fund or by making a donation online.