A.2.1 Domain specific configuration keys for the Network Provider

The network provider can be configured to have different behavior depending on the domain that the user logs into.  These settings are only relevant when using integrated login.  A domain refers to an Active Directory (AD) domain, a trusted Kerberos (non-AD) realm or the local machine (i.e. local account logins).  The domain name that is used for selecting the domain would be the domain that is passed into the NPLogonNotify function of the network provider.

Domain specific registry keys are:

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider]

  (NP key)

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider\Domain]

  (Domains key)

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider\Domain\"domain name"]

  (Specific domain key. One per domain.)

Regkey: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider\Domain\LOCALHOST]

  (Localhost key)

Domain Specific Example:



  +- Domain




Each of the domain specific keys can have the set of values described in 2.1.1.  The effective values are chosen as described in 2.1.2.

A.2.1.1 Domain Specific Configuration Values

Regkeys: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider] [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider\Domain] [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider\Domain\"domain name"] [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider\Domain\LOCALHOST]

Value: LogonOptions


Default: 0x01

NSIS/WiX: depends on user configuration

0x00 - Integrated Logon is not used
0x01 - Integrated Logon is used
0x02 - High Security Mode is used (deprecated)
0x03 - Integrated Logon with High Security Mode is used (deprecated)

High Security Mode generates random SMB names for the creation of Drive Mappings.  This mode should not be used without Integrated Logon.

As of 1.3.65 the SMB server supports SMB authentication.  The High Security Mode should not be used when using SMB authentication (SMBAuthType setting is non zero).

Value: FailLoginsSilentl

Type: DWORD (1|0)

Default: 0

NSIS/WiX: (not set)

If true, does not display any visible warnings in the event of an error during the integrated login process.

Value: LogonScript


Default: (null)

NSIS/WiX: (only value under NP key) <install path>\afscreds.exe -:%s -x -a -m -n -q

A logon script that will be scheduled to be run after the profile load is complete.  If using the REG_EXPAND_SZ type, you can use any system environment variable as "%varname%" which would be expanded at the time the network provider is run.  Optionally using a "%s" in the value would result in it being expanded into the AFS SMB username for the session.

Value: LoginRetryInterval


Default: 30

NSIS/WiX: (not set)

If the OpenAFS client service has not started yet, the network provider will wait for a maximum of "LoginRetryInterval" seconds while retrying every "LoginSleepInterval" seconds to check if the service is up.

Value: LoginSleepInterval


Default: 5

NSIS/WiX: (not set)

See description of LoginRetryInterval.

Value: Realm

Type: REG_SZ

NSIS: <not set>

When Kerberos v5 is being used, Realm specifies the Kerberos v5 realm that should be appended to the first component of the Domain logon username to construct the Kerberos v5 principal for which AFS tokens should be obtained.

Value: TheseCells


NSIS: <not set>

When Kerberos v5 is being used, TheseCells provides a list of additional cells for which tokens should be obtained with the default Kerberos v5 principal.

A.2.1.2 Selection of effective values for domain specific configuration

During login to domain X, where X is the domain passed into NPLogonNotify as lpAuthentInfo->LogonDomainName or the string 'LOCALHOST' if lpAuthentInfo->LogonDomainName equals the name of the computer, the following keys will be looked up.

1.      NP key. ("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\NetworkProvider")

2.      Domains key. (NP key\"Domain")

3.      Specific domain key. (Domains key\X)

If the specific domain key does not exist, then the domains key will be ignored.  All the configuration information in this case will come from the NP key.

If the specific domain key exists, then for each of the values metioned in (2), they will be looked up in the specific domain key, domains key and the NP key successively until the value is found. The first instance of the value found this way will be the effective for the login session.  If no such instance can be found, the default will be used.  To re-iterate, a value in a more specific key supercedes a value in a less specific key.  The exceptions to this rule are stated below.

A.2.1.3 Exceptions to A.2.1.2

To retain backwards compatibility, the following exceptions are made to A.2.1.2. 'FailLoginsSilently'

Historically, the 'FailLoginsSilently' value was in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TransarcAFSDaemon\Parameters key and not in the NP key.  Therefore, for backwards compatibility, the value in the Parameters key will supercede all instances of this value in other keys.  In the absence of this value in the Parameters key, normal scope rules apply. 'LogonScript'

If a 'LogonScript' is not specified in the specific domain key nor in the domains key, the value in the NP key will only be checked if the effective 'LogonOptions' specify a high security integrated login.  If a logon script is specified in the specific domain key or the domains key, it will be used regardless of the high security setting.  Please be aware of this when setting this value.