3.7. AFS System Tray Command Line Options

The AFS System Tray Tool (afscreds.exe) has been deprecated in favor of Network Identity Manager. afscreds.exe will be removed from the OpenAFS in a future release.

The AFS System Tray tool (afscreds.exe) supports several command line options:

autoinit will result in automated attempts to acquire AFS tokens when afscreds.exe is started.  afscreds.exe will attempt to utilize tickets stored in the MSLSA credentials cache; any existing CCAPI credentials cache; and finally display an Obtain Tokens dialog to the user.  When used in combination with IP address change detection, afscreds.exe will attempt to acquire AFS tokens whenever the IP address list changes and the Kerberos KDC is accessible.

The renew drive maps option is used to ensure that the user drive maps constructed via the OpenAFS tools (not NET USE) are re-constructed each time afscreds.exe is started.

By default afscreds.exe is configured by the OpenAFS.org installers to use "-A -N -M -Q" as startup options.  Currently, there is no user interface to change this selection after install time although these options may be altered via the registry on either per machine or per user basis.  See AfscredsShortcutParams in Appendix A.