2004-03-18 05:12 shadow * src/config/param.sgi_65.h: DELTA irix-attempt-to-detect-kernel-mem-routines-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3651 this time for sure. includes the definitions too, this way we can not have macros conflict with headers we don't need 2004-03-18 04:58 shadow * acconfig.h, src/cf/irix-test.m4, src/cf/osconf.m4, acconfig.h, src/cf/irix-test.m4, src/config/param.sgi_65.h: DELTA irix-attempt-to-detect-kernel-mem-routines-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3651 this time for sure. includes the definitions too, this way we can not have macros conflict with headers we don't need 2004-03-18 04:32 jaltman * README-NT, README-WIN9X: DELTA move-readme-to-top-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu As of 1.3.60 move the Windows Readme files from src to top directory 2004-03-18 04:31 jaltman * src/: README-NT, README-WIN9X: DELTA move-readme-to-top-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Move the README files to the top directory where they belong. 2004-03-18 04:03 jaltman * src/: README-NT, README-WIN9X: DELTA windows-readme-updates-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add warning to WIN9X indicating that OpenAFS probably won't build on WIN9X anymore. Describe the new build procedure for 2000/XP/2003 in README-NT 2004-03-18 03:39 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA fix-install-bugs-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Fix: Compatibility with IBM/Transarc and 1.2.10 installations Correct Pathname Compatibility with incorrect Pathname from 1.3.xx > 1.3.5299 Call CheckSDK on upgrades 2004-03-18 01:46 jaltman * src/NTMakefile: DELTA a-better-way-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Make the directories first, then the trailing spaces won't matter. 2004-03-18 01:42 jaltman * src/NTMakefile: DELTA missing-spaces-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add trailing spaces to xcopy commmands. 2004-03-18 01:20 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu make sure that afscreds.exe is terminated after executing with the -z option. 2004-03-18 00:34 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/afsdcell.ini: DELTA update-afsdcell-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu grab latest version from http://grand.central.org/dl/cellservdb/CellServDB 2004-03-18 00:34 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/InstallShield5/afsdcell.ini: DELTA update-afsdcell-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu grab current version from http://grand.central.org/dl/cellservdb/CellServDB 2004-03-18 00:07 shadow * src/cf/irix-test.m4: DELTA irix-attempt-to-detect-kernel-mem-routines-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3651 third try 2004-03-18 00:00 jaltman * src/config/: NTMakefile.i386_nt40, NTMakefile.i386_win95: DELTA 1360-version-20040317 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Update the version number to 1.3.6000 2004-03-17 23:53 shadow * src/cf/irix-test.m4: DELTA irix-attempt-to-detect-kernel-mem-routines-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3651 second try 2004-03-17 22:37 shadow * src/cf/irix-test.m4: DELTA irix-attempt-to-detect-kernel-mem-routines-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3651 first pass at routine to detect kernel mem* routines 2004-03-17 08:24 shadow * acinclude.m4: DELTA darwin-new-systypes-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make autoconf figure it out for us 2004-03-17 07:51 shadow * src/libafs/MakefileProto.AIX.in: DELTA aix-install-kmods-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES would be nice if make dest worked again 2004-03-17 07:21 shadow * src/cf/osconf.m4: DELTA aix64-dont-build-on-aix4-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES don't build the 64 bit stuff on aix 4 2004-03-17 07:15 shadow * src/: cf/osconf.m4, export/Makefile.in: DELTA aix64-dont-build-on-aix4-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES don't build the 64 bit stuff on aix 4 2004-03-17 06:43 shadow * src/afs/: afs_nfsclnt.c, afs_pioctl.c, afs_prototypes.h, exporter.h, nfsclient.h, VNOPS/afs_vnop_lookup.c: DELTA support-nfs-translator-sysname-lists-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES support sysname lists in nfs translator 2004-03-17 06:38 shadow * src/packaging/MacOS/ReadMe.rtf: DELTA macos-update-readme-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3317 update readme to indicate success through 10.3.3 2004-03-17 06:27 shadow * Makefile.in: DELTA distclean-remove-include-lib-20040317 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3610 include a lib directories generated during build not removed fix it. 2004-03-17 04:20 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.cpp: DELTA fix-typo-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu fix last commit 2004-03-17 04:17 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.cpp: DELTA use-oldstyle-netbios-name-for-default-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu For UNCC, allow old style netbios name to be the default for this release to give them time to convert their scripts to use \\AFS\... instead of \\%MACHINENAME%-AFS\... 2004-03-17 02:29 shadow * src/afs/AIX/osi_vnodeops.c: DELTA aix-largefile-update-20040316 AUTHOR reuter@rzg.mpg.de FIXES 3647 don't allow reading past the end of a file 2004-03-16 22:03 jaltman * doc/txt/winnotes/registry.txt: DELTA reg-expand-str-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Update text for NetbiosName value. 2004-03-16 21:59 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_init.c: DELTA reg-expand-str-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Change the NetbiosName registry value from REG_SZ to REG_EXPAND_SZ and add the necessary code to expand the strings. This will allow the use of %COMPUTERNAME%-AFS in case people want to explicitly use a non-portable name. 2004-03-16 16:21 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/: afscreds.h, main.cpp, misc.cpp, shortcut.cpp, window.cpp: DELTA registry-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Move the locations of the ShowTrayIcon and cell name based expiration reminder keys out of the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Transarc... key and into the {HKCU,HKLM}\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\... tree. This is safe to do because these keys are transient in nature (created by afscreds.exe) and really do belong to the user and not to the machine. 2004-03-16 16:19 rees * README: DELTA freebsd-pkg-builder-20040316 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu Mention the FreeBSD package builder, with warning. 2004-03-16 16:17 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA registry-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Fix the DependsOnGroup NetworkProvider key to ensure it is placed in the correct location Change the location of the ShowTrayIcon key so that we no longer store user data in the HKLM Transarc tree 2004-03-16 16:15 jaltman * doc/txt/winnotes/registry.txt: DELTA registry-notes-20040316 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Update the registry usage for 1.3.60 Add information for the Network Provider values and the AFSCreds.exe values. 2004-03-16 04:40 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA service-dependencies-20040315 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Fix the location of the registy values to be used for specifying the service dependencies of the AFS Network Provider. AFS is dependent on PNP_TDI (tcpip, netbt, etc); RpcSs; and NetBios. Upgrades were failing to read the Cell name from the proper location so that it could be restored. 2004-03-16 04:32 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA kfw-thread-safety-20040315 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add a mutex semaphore around the kfw initialization code to prevent multiple threads from attempting to initialize simultaneously. 2004-03-15 18:51 shadow * src/uss/: uss.c, uss_kauth.c: DELTA uss-kauth-support-lockout-20040315 AUTHOR mack@uni-hohenheim.de FIXES 3637 minor reformat by shadow@dementia.org make uss kauth support account locking correctly. 2004-03-14 01:28 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_exp/gui2fs.cpp: DELTA hourglass-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Ensure that all functions which perform a pioctl() call also change the icon to an hourglass. Replace calls to InAFS() with the function IsPathInAfs() and remove InAFS() since they were identical functions. 2004-03-13 21:51 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA lets-get-it-right-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu the NSIS script crashed on a test machine. Fix the use of variables. When using the System.dll plug-in; you must use $1..$9 instead of $R1..$R9 2004-03-13 21:24 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA update-to-nsis-script-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Modify NSIS script to prevent overwriting variables 2004-03-13 21:07 jaltman * src/auth/ktc_nt.c: DELTA mutex-token-access-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu This is an initial crack at one of the big problems with the existing AFS client. Multiple processes in a single session or in multiple sessions (terminal server) can step on each others toes. This is because the dual use of RPC and SMB calls to perform operations. Since nothing is done in a single synchronized step, there are plenty of opportunities for data overwrites to occur. The change was to add a Global Mutex within all of the ktc_XXXToken calls. The use of "Global\" prefixed kernel objects are only supported on Win2000 and above. This is fine because this is all we claim to support. But if someone was to decide to run this code on NT4 or Win95 anyway bad things will now happen. This should probably be cleaned up if someone has time. 2004-03-13 21:00 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: afsd_init.c, cm_config.c: DELTA empty-cell-name-fix-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu If the Registry contains a "Cell" entry which is the null string don't crash. Instead panic and log an appropriate error. 2004-03-13 18:34 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA add-registry-values-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add registry values to enforce service startup dependencies Increase the RxMaxMTU value from 1200 to 1260 based upon experience running across the Cisco VPN at MIT, Cert, and Fermi. 2004-03-13 18:28 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA registry-call-optimizations-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Do not read the same value from the registry three times in the same function. 2004-03-13 18:26 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/: dlg_binding.cpp, drivemap.cpp: DELTA remove-extraneous-code-20040312 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Remove calls to obtain the netbios name which is placed into variables which are never referenced. 2004-03-13 18:24 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/smb.c: DELTA remove-loopback-test-from-smb-20040313 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Now that the loopback test is being performed within the LANA Helper library we should not be performing the test in the smb init code. 2004-03-12 05:56 shadow * src/afs/UKERNEL/sysincludes.h: DELTA linux-ukernel-pthreads-ugliness-fix-20040312 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES really an autoconf test should do this. in the meantime we do this. 2004-03-12 03:27 shadow * src/libuafs/Makefile.common.in: DELTA juafs-makefile-fix-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make the juafs rules not break the makefile (remove bogus quoting) 2004-03-12 02:30 shadow * src/libafs/MakefileProto.IRIX.in: DELTA irix-deal-with-sh-versus-make-vars-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3322 so the LDFLAGS variable doesn't get shadowed we do this 2004-03-11 22:35 rees * src/packaging/FreeBSD/: buildpkg.sh, desc, packinglist, postinstall: DELTA freebsd-pkg-builder-20040311 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu freebsd package builder not quite right yet, the rc file won't work 2004-03-11 20:39 rees * src/afs/OBSD/osi_vfsops.c: DELTA openbsd-shutdown-panic-20040311 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu openbsd: use vrele instead of AFS_RELE in unmount to avert panic acquire GLOCK in mount (not really needed but oh well) other finnicky and needless tweaks 2004-03-11 20:22 shadow * src/vol/ihandle.h: DELTA inode-largefile-attempt-20040311 AUTHOR cg2v@andrew.cmu.edu FIXES 3519 attempt to deal with large file fileservers for inode versions. not done yet 2004-03-11 19:14 rees * src/afs/: afs_daemons.c, afs_osi.h, OBSD/osi_machdep.h, OBSD/osi_vfsops.c, OBSD/osi_vnodeops.c: DELTA openbsd-vrefs-20040311 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu OpenBSD bug fixes: fix vnode refcount botch introduced by freebsd merge fix yet another deadlock in the vnode reclaim path 2004-03-11 16:59 shadow * src/libafs/MakefileProto.IRIX.in: DELTA irix-deal-with-sh-versus-make-vars-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3322 so the LDFLAGS variable doesn't get shadowed we do this 2004-03-11 07:31 shadow * src/budb/server.c: DELTA buserver-support-clones-20040311 AUTHOR lyzhang@umich.edu FIXES 3355 support ubik clones in buserver as with other ubik servers 2004-03-11 07:24 shadow * src/libafs/: Makefile.common.in, MakefileProto.IRIX.in: DELTA base64-elsewhere-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES base64 is in util, and has a different name. 2004-03-11 07:21 shadow * src/libafs/Makefile.common.in: DELTA base64-elsewhere-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES base64 is in util, and has a different name. 2004-03-11 07:20 shadow * src/afs/afs_osi.c: DELTA irix-afs-osi-credp-declared-elsewhere-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES revert to 1.2 declaration for irix 2004-03-11 07:15 shadow * src/viced/afsfileprocs.c: DELTA viced-revert-EIO-and-instead-use-zero-length-20040311 AUTHOR nneul@umr.edu FIXES 3594 this was the other considered approach, i'm unsure why it's needed, but we'll play along for now. 2004-03-11 06:30 shadow * src/rx/rx_user.h: DELTA rx-user-dont-redefine-isafs-glock-for-ukernel-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES rx/UKERNEL/rx_kmutex.h already covers this 2004-03-11 06:05 shadow * src/libuafs/linktest.c: DELTA aix-update-linktest-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES aix hates darwin, again. include netinet/in.h (which was implicit from rx/rx.h before) to make aix happy 2004-03-11 05:40 shadow * src/dir/dir.c: DELTA aix-uafs-dir-compile-20040311 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make dir package work for uafs on aix 2004-03-10 23:01 rees * README, acinclude.m4, src/afs/afs.h, src/afs/afs_call.c, src/afs/afs_init.c, src/afs/afs_osi.c, src/afs/afs_osi.h, src/afs/afs_osi_alloc.c, src/afs/afs_prototypes.h, src/afs/afs_vcache.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_file.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_inode.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_machdep.h, src/afs/FBSD/osi_misc.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_module.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_prototypes.h, src/afs/FBSD/osi_sleep.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_vfsops.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_vm.c, src/afs/FBSD/osi_vnodeops.c, src/afs/FBSD/vnode_if.h, src/afs/FBSD/vnode_if_4x.h, src/afs/FBSD/vnode_if_5x.h, src/afs/OBSD/osi_file.c, src/afs/OBSD/osi_vfsops.c, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_42.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_43.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_44.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_45.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_46.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_47.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_50.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_51.h, src/config/param.i386_fbsd_52.h, src/libafs/MakefileProto.FBSD.in, src/libuafs/MakefileProto.FBSD.in, src/rx/rx_kcommon.c, src/rx/rx_prototypes.h, src/rx/xdr.h, src/rx/FBSD/rx_knet.c: DELTA freebsd-20040310 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu Support for FreeBSD 5.x client. Both 4.x and 5.x now use vnodes from the system pool instead of attaching a private vnode to the vcache. Most of this is from Garrett Wollman , I just did some integration and made it work again on 4.x. 2004-03-10 17:14 shadow * src/libafs/MakefileProto.AIX.in: DELTA aix-dont-build-64bit-on-aix4-20040310 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES no 64 kit module for aix4.3.3 2004-03-10 17:12 shadow * acinclude.m4: DELTA aix5-missed-autoconf-support-20040310 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES put back the aix5 stuff in autoconf files 2004-03-10 08:35 shadow * acconfig.h, acinclude.m4: DELTA macos-build-update-20040310 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make the head build again. 2004-03-10 07:46 shadow * src/rxkad/: fc_test.c, rxkad_common.c: DELTA macos-build-update-20040310 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make the head build again. 2004-03-10 07:37 shadow * acinclude.m4, src/auth/cellconfig.c, src/cf/ressearch.m4, src/libafs/MakefileProto.IRIX.in, src/libuafs/linktest.c, src/rxkad/fc_test.c: DELTA macos-build-update-20040310 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make the head build again. 2004-03-09 05:47 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-lang-file-fixes-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Cleaned up the language file installations. Place language files in the same directories as the non-language files. Do not install the MSVC files twice. Install debug symbols for language files for all languages; not just German. 2004-03-09 04:45 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-improvements-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu UpgradeDLL updated by Rob Murawski Rob and I replaced dll installs with upgrades I removed all of the support for beta versions of NSIS now that 2.0 is officially released. 2004-03-09 03:07 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/drivemap.cpp: DELTA unmap-debugging-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add more debug info to DoUnmapShare 2004-03-09 03:06 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/main.cpp: DELTA afscreds-unmap-command-line-option-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add -z option to afscreds.exe which is called from the installer to unmap the drive shares when uninstalling OpenAFS. 2004-03-09 02:02 jaltman * src/WINNT/pthread/pthread.c: DELTA event-object-naming-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Restore event object naming to the pthread objects. Be sure to identify the objects by PID this time to avoid conflicts. 2004-03-09 02:00 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA kfw-not-installed-bug-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * Remove attempt to free a krb5_context when KFW is not installed. 2004-03-09 01:57 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_init.c: DELTA add-path-to-log-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Discovered after wasting a huge quantity of time that it is possible for OpenAFS to be installed on machines already containing the IBM/Transarc AFS. Add the PATH environment variable to the log to allow this situation to be detected. 2004-03-08 14:02 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA long-lifetimes-20040308 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add long kerberos 4 ticket lifetime support 2004-03-08 02:23 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/: afskfw.c, afskfw.h, window.cpp: DELTA kfw-changes-20040307 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * Increase debugging of the KFW code; * Remove the krb5_cc_remove_creds 2004-03-08 02:05 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/fs.c: DELTA fs-admin-privs-20040307 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add a requirement for Administrator privileges to the "fs setserverprefs" command. 2004-03-06 21:38 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/smb.c: DELTA netbiosName-cellname-20040306 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add support for a new form of automatic share name generation \\netbiosName\cellname which means that on systems with the loopback adapter you can now refer to the athena.mit.edu afs cell as \\afs\athena.mit.edu\ This is implemented within cm_FindShare(). If the share name is not one of the special ones and cannot be found in the Submounts table, check to see if it is a known cell name, If so, create a path to the share of /afs/sharename with the "sharename" being lower cased. (I hope there are no cell names in mixed or upper case. This won't work.) 2004-03-06 15:25 jaltman * src/WINNT/: afsd/NTMakefile, afsd/smb.c, client_exp/NTMakefile: DELTA NTMakefile-dependencies-20040306 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Update dependencies on various libraries to enforce consistency checks 2004-03-06 13:27 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/smb.c: DELTA corrections-to-MIT-merge-20040306 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * Corrections to MIT merge caught by Asanka. 2004-03-06 08:09 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.cpp: DELTA lanahelper-20040305 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Minor updates. Fix AFS Root UNC path string; add debugging code (off by default) 2004-03-06 02:42 rees * src/rx/rx_user.c: DELTA inaddr-any-20040305 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu use INADDR_ANY instead of ADDR_ANY. 2004-03-05 23:27 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/drivemap.cpp: DELTA drivemap-fix-take2-20040305 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * See I knew it wouldn't work. Revert to loop used in revision 1.14 2004-03-05 23:19 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/drivemap.cpp: DELTA drivemap-fix-20040305 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * an attempt at a cheap fix which probably won't work. 2004-03-05 23:09 jaltman * src/: NTMakefile, WINNT/afsd/NTMakefile, WINNT/afsd/afsd_init.c, WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.cpp, WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.h, WINNT/client_config/NTMakefile, WINNT/client_config/dlg_automap.cpp, WINNT/client_config/dlg_binding.cpp, WINNT/client_config/drivemap.cpp, WINNT/client_config/getlana.cpp, WINNT/client_config/getlana.h, WINNT/client_config/tab_drives.cpp, WINNT/client_creds/NTMakefile, WINNT/pthread/pthread.c, libafsauthent/NTMakefile, sys/NTMakefile, sys/pioctl_nt.c: DELTA lanahelper-library-20040305 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * at my request Asanka Hearth of MIT ripped out all of the code used the compute the Netbios Name of the SMB Server and the mountRoot and constructed one commonly used library called lanahelper.lib. This library is now constructed in the WINNT/afsd directory and used throughout the tree. At least we now have consistency if nothing else. 2004-03-03 22:41 rees * src/usd/usd_file.c: DELTA no-cdev-fsync-20040303 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu don't try to fsync() a character special dev reported and fix suggested by Helmut Jarausch 2004-03-03 03:32 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/drivemap.cpp: DELTA smbname-consistency-20040302 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu These changes are an attempt to provide a bit more consistency when it comes to the establishment of SMB drive mappings. Whenever mappings are created, the same name is used when a name can be found. This is supposed to mirror what is performed in the integrated logon DLL. 2004-03-02 15:41 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/: main.cpp, window.cpp: DELTA fix-service-start-permissions-20040302 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu When merging the Skyrope changes I forgot to specify the SERVICE_START privilege necessary to allow the -N option to work. 2004-03-02 07:23 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: cm_conn.c, fs.c: DELTA security-class-object-leak-20040301 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Incorrect reference count management results in a leak of rx_securityClass objects. 2004-03-02 04:14 jaltman * src/WINNT/pthread/pthread.c: DELTA name-event-objects-20040301 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu When naming event objects allocated in a library, make sure the names are unique by including the process id. 2004-03-02 04:12 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA openafs-nsi-20040301 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add two new registry keys: RxMaxMTU (DWORD) = 1200 (decimal) NoFindLanaByName (DWORD) = 1 (decimal) DEBUG builds only 2004-03-02 04:09 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_init.c: DELTA afsi_log-buffer-20040301 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Increase the size of the final buffer to be large enough to hold all of the data which is being written to it. 2004-02-29 22:22 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: smb.c, smb3.c: DELTA smb_fid_t-leak-20040229 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu There was a significant leak of smb_fid_t objects produced when copying files from an AFS volume. This is clearly part of the problem reported by UNCC. However, there is still an unexplained memory leak associated with reading and writing files even if the data is only being read from the cache. I am noticing reports of memory allocation overruns from the Debug CRT when freeing SCache objects. This could be a side effect of whatever is causing the memory leak. This will require more research. 2004-02-29 02:38 jaltman * src/WINNT/: afsadmsvr/TaAfsAdmSvrCallback.cpp, afsd/NTMakefile, afsd/afsd_flushvol.c, afsd/afsd_service.c, afsd/smb.c, afssvrmgr/alert.cpp, bosctlsvc/bosctlsvc.c, pthread/pthread.c: DELTA win32-name-event-objects-20040228 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu This is a very bad leak of Event Objects. Name all of our event objects in an attempt to identify the source of the leak. Apparently, the leak is not coming from any Event Objects we are creating directly. Did find a misallocation of event objects in the smb code for the initial session object. Fixed. 2004-02-28 19:13 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.cpp: DELTA findlanabyname-20040228 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * an attempt to fix the problems with stack overwrites when calling the undocumented calls does not work. check it in anyway. 2004-02-28 19:10 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: afsd_flushvol.c, cm_buf.c, smb3.c: DELTA hidedots-fix-20040228 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * Fix the Hiding of dot files. attributes were computed but never applied due to typo during merge * Prevent crashing during service shutdown by power management thread 2004-02-28 06:26 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/: afskfw.c, shortcut.cpp: DELTA afscreds-shortcut-params-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Obtain Shortcut Parameters from Registry Key {HKLM, HKCU}\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client (REG_SZ) AfscredsShortcutParams Default value is "-A -M -N -Q" if not found 2004-02-28 06:20 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-afscreds-shortcut-params-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add Shortcut Parameters to AfsCreds.exe -A -M -N -Q A automatically attempt to obtain tokens on startup if needed M renew drive maps N background check monitors network configuration and attempts to obtain tokens or restart client service if needed Q do not start AFS wizard 2004-02-27 20:38 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_init.c: DELTA NoFindLanaByName-regkey-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Add a new registry entry "NoFindLanaByName" which can be set to 0x01 (DWORD) to disable the FindLanaByName lookup in case it crashes 2004-02-27 18:36 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA enablekfw-part2-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Current User should have priority over Local Machine 2004-02-27 18:35 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA enablekfw-regkey-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * Add new Registry Key: {HKLM,HKCU}\\SOFTWARE\\OpenAFS\\Client DWORD EnableKFW Default value if missing is 0x01 2004-02-27 18:20 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: afsd_init.c, afsd_service.c, cm_dnlc.c, smb.c, smb3.c: DELTA morgan-patch-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu * Add error checking and logging for WaitForMultipleObject calls * Place log file in directory pointed to by TEMP env variable if defined * Use the platform defined value for MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS instead of the value 100. (WinNT.h defines this as 64) * Add a new registry value "AllSubmount" which can be set to DWORD 0x00 to disable the automatic creation of the \\AFS\all submount. This is for sites which wish to restrict access to the world. 2004-02-27 07:40 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-new-reg-strings-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Make the NSIS installer create the registry strings for NetbiosName = "AFS" and MountRoot = "/afs" 2004-02-27 07:35 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/getlana.cpp: DELTA fix-unc-binding-message-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Fix the UNC Binding message. 2004-02-27 06:44 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/getlana.cpp: DELTA nbname-instead-of-mountroot-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu When determining what name should be used for the NetbiosName query the registry value "NetbiosName" instead of "MountRoot". 2004-02-27 06:21 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_config/getlana.cpp: DELTA fix-getlana-typo-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu GetUncServerName had a typo which was using "=" instead of "==" not good. :-( 2004-02-27 06:02 jaltman * src/ntbuild.bat: DELTA no-wspp-builds-20040227 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu the WSPP build references in the current ntbuild.bat are extraneous as there are no references to the defined variable anywhere else in the build system. remove them from ntbuild.bat 2004-02-26 19:22 jaltman * doc/txt/winnotes/registry.txt, src/NTMakefile, src/README-NT, src/WINNT/afsd/NTMakefile, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_eventlog.c, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_eventlog.h, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_eventmessages.mc, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_eventmessages.rc, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_flushvol.c, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_flushvol.h, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_init.c, src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_service.c, src/WINNT/afsd/cm.h, src/WINNT/afsd/cm_cell.c, src/WINNT/afsd/cm_config.c, src/WINNT/afsd/cm_conn.c, src/WINNT/afsd/cm_vnodeops.c, src/WINNT/afsd/fs_utils.c, src/WINNT/afsd/fs_utils.h, src/WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.cpp, src/WINNT/afsd/lanahelper.h, src/WINNT/afsd/smb.c, src/WINNT/afsd/smb.h, src/WINNT/afsd/smb3.c, src/WINNT/afsd/smb_ioctl.c, src/WINNT/afssvrcfg/NTMakefile, src/WINNT/afssvrcpa/NTMakefile, src/WINNT/client_config/NTMakefile, src/WINNT/client_config/RegistrySupport.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/config.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/dlg_automap.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/dlg_binding.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/dlg_misc.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/drivemap.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/drivemap.h, src/WINNT/client_config/getlana.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/getlana.h, src/WINNT/client_config/resource.h, src/WINNT/client_config/tab_advanced.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/tab_drives.cpp, src/WINNT/client_config/lang/en_US/afs_config.rc, src/WINNT/client_config/lang/zh_CN/afs_config.rc, src/WINNT/client_creds/Makefile, src/WINNT/client_creds/NTMakefile, src/WINNT/client_creds/advtab.cpp, src/WINNT/client_creds/afscreds.h, src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw-int.h, src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c, src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.h, src/WINNT/client_creds/creds.cpp, src/WINNT/client_creds/main.cpp, src/WINNT/client_creds/mounttab.cpp, src/WINNT/client_creds/shortcut.cpp, src/WINNT/client_creds/window.cpp, src/WINNT/client_exp/gui2fs.cpp, src/WINNT/client_exp/partition_info_dlg.cpp, src/WINNT/client_exp/shell_ext.cpp, src/WINNT/client_exp/shell_ext.h, src/WINNT/client_osi/NTMakefile, src/WINNT/client_osi/largeint.h, src/WINNT/client_osi/libosi.def, src/WINNT/client_osi/osi.h, src/WINNT/client_osi/osilog.c, src/WINNT/client_osi/osilog.h, src/WINNT/client_osi/osistatl.h, src/WINNT/doc/help/en_US/afs-cc.CNT, src/WINNT/doc/help/en_US/afs-light.CNT, src/WINNT/doc/help/en_US/afs-nt.CNT, src/WINNT/doc/help/en_US/taafscfg.cnt, src/WINNT/doc/help/en_US/taafssvrmgr.cnt, src/WINNT/doc/help/en_US/taafsusrmgr.cnt, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/kclient/kclient.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/kclient/kcmacerr.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/com_err.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/conf-pc.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/conf.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/des.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/kadm_err.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/krb.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/krberr.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/mit_copy.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb4/osconf.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/com_err.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/krb5.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/profile.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/win-mac.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/KerberosIV/des.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/KerberosIV/kadm_err.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/KerberosIV/krb.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/KerberosIV/krb_err.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/KerberosIV/mit-copyright.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/gssapi/gssapi.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/gssapi/gssapi_generic.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krb5/gssapi/gssapi_krb5.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/krbcc/cacheapi.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/leash/leasherr.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/leash/leashinfo.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/leash/leashwin.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-afs.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-afs36.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-com_err.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-krb.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-krb5.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-krb524.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-leash.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-lsa.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-profile.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs-wshelper.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs.c, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/loadfuncs/loadfuncs.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/wshelper/hesiod.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/wshelper/mitwhich.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/wshelper/resolv.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/wshelper/wshelper.h, src/WINNT/kfw/inc/wshelper/arpa/nameser.h, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/comerr32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/delaydlls.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/getopt.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/gssapi32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/kclnt32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/krb524.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/krb5_32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/krbcc32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/krbv4w32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/leashw32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/loadfuncs.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/wshelp32.lib, src/WINNT/kfw/lib/i386/xpprof32.lib, src/config/NTMakefile.i386_nt40, src/config/param.sun4_413.h, src/libafsauthent/NTMakefile, src/libafsrpc/afsrpc.def, src/rx/rx_clock_nt.c, src/rx/rx_user.c, src/sys/pioctl_nt.c: DELTA skyrope-mit-merge-hell-20040226 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu From Skyrope: The Skyrope work attempted to improve on the end user experience of using OpenAFS in the following ways: * Obtain tokens using renewable Kerberos 5 tickets in order to reduce the need for end users to renew expired tokens * Monitor the list of IP Addresses in order to detect changes in the network configuration which might affect the reachability of cells or the state of the AFS Client Service. When cells are newly reachable, obtain tokens for the cells. If the AFS Client Service is not running, start it. If tokens are expiring attempt to renew them. * Use KDC probes to detect the accessibility of realms/cells. If the KDC is not reachable, do not prompt the end user for a username and password. (fs probe is not implemented on windows) * Automatically obtain tokens using the Windows Logon Session Kerberos credentials (if available) * Allow tokens for multiple cells to be obtained by using the same Kerberos 5 tickets. (no UI yet implemented) * Perform drive mapping persistance by tracking it within the afsdsbmt.ini file instead of relying on the Windows Shell to persist the state. * Add new afscreds.exe command line options and change the default set used when creating the "AFS Credentials" shortcut in the Start Menu->Programs->Startup folder. From MIT: * Auto-detection of loopback adapters. Use "AFS" as the netbios name when a loopback adapter is installed. * Support for responding to power management events. Used to flush the cache when the machine is about to suspend, hibernate, or shutdown * Documentation of Registry entries * Support for Extended SMB Requests * Beginning of support for true Event Log reporting from a message database * Hidden Dot File support (configured via the HideDotFiles registry option) * Configurable Max number of Multiplexed Sessions (MaxMpxRequests registry option) * Configurable Max MTU size (RxMaxMTU registry option) * Configurable Jumbogram support (RxNoJumbo registry option) * Configurable Max number of Virtual Connections per Server (MaxVCPerServer registry option) * Win32 DNS API support * Addition of SMB_ATTR_xxxx defines for use instead of hex numbers * A variety of heap access and resource deallocation errors corrected in the SMB code * Support for recursive directory creation * Modifications to the en_US version of the client configuration dialog (need to port to other languages) Notes on the current check-in: * The KfW code will always be used when installed on the machine. This code only supports Krb5 and will not work with Krb4 only realms. A registry flag indicating whether or not KfW should be used if found needs to be added. * afscreds.exe needs to have a registry entry created to control the parameter list it should be started with. There should be a dialog to control this in the installer and within afscreds.exe * The MIT method of auto-assigning the mount-root and the netbios name is in conflict with the morgan stanley submissions in some parts of the code. If you are using the loopback adapter with this code both the "NetbiosName" = "AFS" and "Mountroot" = "/afs" registry options must be specified. This will be fixed in coming days. 2004-02-24 20:23 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA remove-nbt-reg-entry-on-XP-20040224 AUTHOR jaltman@secure-endpoints.com In discussions with Andrei Keis at Morgan Stanley it has become clear that the NBT registry parameter which disables the use of port 445 should only be used on Windows 2000. 2004-02-13 18:58 shadow * src/afs/LINUX/osi_vnodeops.c: DELTA revert-linux-sysname-list-estale-fix-20040213 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES (despite just committing a leak fix) we can no longer find a kernel where this is needed so we'll leave it in the cvs history but revoke it. it may have been a "special" kernel 2004-02-13 18:55 shadow * src/afs/LINUX/osi_vnodeops.c: DELTA linux-sysname-list-free-sysstate-20040213 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES required by linux-sysname-list-sys-links-resolve-dentry-20031109 eithout this, if you're in a directory that the second or later entry in a sysname list resolved to, pwd returns ESTALE. force the true path to have its dentry cached. 2004-02-03 06:23 shadow * acinclude.m4, src/afs/afs_call.c, src/afs/afs_pioctl.c, src/afs/LINUX/osi_groups.c, src/afs/LINUX/osi_module.c, src/cf/osconf.m4, src/config/afs_sysnames.h, src/config/param.ppc64_linux24.h, src/des/andrew-conf.h, src/des/conf-ppc64-linux.h, src/des/crypt.c, src/libafs/MakefileProto.LINUX.in, src/lwp/process.c, src/rx/rx_kcommon.c, src/rx/rx_packet.h, src/rx/rx_pthread.c: DELTA linux-ppc64-fixes-20040202 AUTHOR oehmes@de.ibm.com FIXES 3058 linux ppc64 port 2004-02-03 05:57 shadow * src/afs/: afs_call.c, afs_pioctl.c, LINUX/osi_groups.c, LINUX/osi_module.c: DELTA amd64-update-20040202 AUTHOR andrej.filipcic@ijs.si FIXES 2756 deal with types in newer amd64 distributions initialize some variables 2004-02-03 05:43 shadow * src/viced/afsfileprocs.c: DELTA fs-return-EIO-when-starting-read-beyond-EOF-20040202 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 1493 large file support asserted when attempting to read beginning past the end of the file 2004-02-03 05:31 shadow * src/tests/dumptool.c: DELTA dumptool-largefile-support-20040202 AUTHOR reuter@rzg.mpg.de FIXES 2720 make dumptool support large files 2004-02-03 05:24 shadow * src/packaging/MacOS/buildpkg.sh: DELTA macos-protect-kpasswd-20040202 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 1893 rename kpasswd to kpasswd.afs in /usr/bin since krb5 kpasswd is included 2004-02-03 05:10 shadow * src/afs/DARWIN/osi_vnodeops.c: DELTA darwin-avoid-hang-on-rename-20040202 AUTHOR ssen@apple.com FIXES 2967 this version deals with afs being multiply mounted. return EXDEV on cross device rename attempts as upper layer doesn't deal for us 2004-02-03 04:53 shadow * src/viced/viced.c: DELTA acquire-fsync-lock-inside-while-loop-20040202 AUTHOR tmaher@watson.org FIXES 3205 in order to not violate the invariant that pthread_cond_timedwait be called with a locked mutex, we must relock if we unlock. 2004-01-23 16:53 rees * src/: afs/afs_buffer.c, afs/afs_prototypes.h, dir/dir.c, dir/dir.h: DELTA dir-buffer-protos-20040123 AUTHOR rees@umich.edu take yet another stab at getting dir buffer prototypes right 2004-01-15 04:13 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-run-time-lib-fixes-20040114 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu - Update the installer script to properly install the required runtime libraries for all compilers - Update the AddToPath and RemoveToPath files 2004-01-14 21:30 shadow * src/venus/kdump.c: DELTA kdump-linux-sucks-more-20040113 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES make it build on newer rhel attempt to deal with hugemem kernel dumbness