2004-03-24 17:36 shadow * src/viced/viced.c: DELTA viced-dont-atoi-NULL-20040324 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3726 check argument number when processing args at startup 2004-03-24 17:23 shadow * src/viced/viced.c: DELTA viced-dont-atoi-NULL-20040324 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3726 check argument number when processing args at startup 2004-03-24 09:47 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA nsis-install-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Uninstall should be deleting CRT and MFC DLLs; not be installing them Add new startup flags to the LogonScript for Integrated Logon 2004-03-24 09:24 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: afsd_init.c, cm_dns.c: DELTA static-cm_dnsEnabled-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Make cm_dns.c cm_dnsEnabled static to prevent potential conflict (not really) with a variable of the same name in afsd_init.c 2004-03-24 09:22 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: afsd_init.c, cm_dns.c: DELTA bad-checkin-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu bad checkin 2004-03-24 08:40 shadow * src/config/afs_sysnames.h: DELTA sunx86-59-sysname-id-20040324 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES add missing sysname id for solaris 9 x86 2004-03-24 08:38 shadow * src/config/param.rs_aix52.h: DELTA aix52-add-param-header-20040324 AUTHOR shadow@dementia.org FIXES 3718 copy and modify the aix 5.1 header 2004-03-24 08:35 jaltman * src/config/NTMakefile.i386_nt40: DELTA version-update-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu 1.3.6200 2004-03-24 08:32 jaltman * src/WINNT/client_creds/afskfw.c: DELTA no-getcellconfig-error-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu don't produce a MessageBox when getcellconfig fails 2004-03-24 08:27 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/afsd_service.c: DELTA no-longjmp-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Do not use setjmp/longjmp in multithreaded code. It will destroy the stack. 2004-03-24 08:25 jaltman * src/WINNT/afsd/: afslogon.c, cm_ioctl.c, cm_vnodeops.c: DELTA integrated-logon-20040323 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Cleanup the integrated logon code. Remove memory overwrites. Refactor the rest of the code. Make it readable. 2004-03-23 04:45 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA doug-nsis-20040322 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu Fix doug's patch. remote extraneous colons Move (once again) the DependsOnXXX values to the right place. (how did these end up back in NetworkProvider?) 2004-03-23 00:46 jaltman * src/WINNT/install/NSIS/OpenAFS.nsi: DELTA doug-nsis-20040322 AUTHOR jaltman@mit.edu apply patch to include more header and lib files.